There are numerous sprinkler repair contractors on Long Island, before you call here are some common repairs that you can do yourself:
- One of the most common sprinkler system problems is that the lawn sprinkler system has a clock that automatically controls how long and when to water a particular area on your lawn. This clock runs off of electricity. If you timer isn’t working properly, make sure that it is getting power. If it is and it still won’t work properly, it might have an electrical problem internally and will require professional help.
- Your sprinkler system has numerous pipes that are interconnected both below and above ground. If you live in an area that has harsh winters, these interconnected pipes may burst when they freeze. Most sprinkler systems are manufactured so that you can drain the water from the pipes. In addition, they may have shut off switches to prevent the sprinkler system from activating in the wintertime. Consult with your sprinkler systems manual to determine how to reactivate your sprinkler in the spring.
- If all of your sprinkler heads are working properly but one, something is probably blocking that sprinkler head. If it’s the type of sprinkler head that pops up, make sure that there isn’t any dirt or sand preventing the sprinkler head from working correctly. You may also have an underground leak. You should check around the sprinkler head that is causing the problem to determine if water is leaking from the tube that is feeding that sprinkler head.
- Sprinkler systems work in zones. If a particular zone isn’t working, the first thing to check is the automatic timer. Maybe it isn’t programmed to activate that zone. If it is, then the problem might be with the delivery box which directs the water to the numerous zones. This will require a water sprinkler service professional to repair the problem. If your water is running all the time, make sure that the automatic timer isn’t programmed to run continuously. If it isn’t, you may have a serious problem and you should check with your sprinkler system manual to determine how to turn your sprinkler system off manually and then call a sprinkler service professional to repair the problem.
- A sprinkler head is usually adjustable and can get misaligned from its desired location. Consult with your sprinkler system manual to determine how to do a correct head adjustment. Always winterize your sprinkler system before the temperature freezes. Usually, this involves shutting off the timer so that is can’t activate in the wintertime and draining all of the water from the pipes. There are many sprinkler system repair contractors on Long Island who can provide winterizing services at affordable rates. Check with your sprinkler system manual to determine if this is something you can do yourself or if you should call in a professional.